Resources to equip your faith

Tools to discover the Bible, on your own or as a group

Read (or listen to) the Bible for free in one of Biblica’s 40 modern translations.
Reading the Bible regularly is one of the most important routines to incorporate into your schedule. Take advantage of a variety of reading plans to enhance and direct your time in the Word.

Need Bibles for your church or discussion group? Biblica Canada publishes Bibles in French (Le Semeur version) and English (NIV), and makes them available to you so that you can commit to reading them today. Contact us to find out more.

Looking for a group Bible reading program? Biblica Canada’s Community Bible Experience gives you all the resources you need to lead a Bible-centred discussion group.

Looking for Resources?

Looking for a specific resource? Have an idea for a tool you need for your ministry, and you need help to bring it to life? If so, write to us. Our team can either direct you to the right resource or create it with you.