
First known as the New York Bible Society, then as the International Bible Society, Biblica was founded in 1809 by some of New York City’s leading philanthropists, thinkers, businessmen to share the gospel with residents, businessmen, immigrants, sailors and soldiers passing through the city. It was during this period that the soldiers’ and prisoners’ ministries were launched, both of which are still active today.

In 1988, the organization changed its name to the International Bible Society and finally became Biblica in 2009. Biblica’s global ministry focuses on translating the Bible into the world’s 100 most spoken languages, creating resources to equip churches and ministries, and supporting initiatives focused on younger generations.


  • In 1810, Biblica sponsored its first Bible translation, William Carey’s Bengali Bible.
  • We first gave Bibles to soldiers during the War of 1812.
  • We were the first to put Bibles in hotel rooms.
  • We published the first Bibles in braille.
  • We produced the first audio Bible.
  • In 1978, we published the New International Version (NIV), the world’s leading contemporary English translation of Scripture.

As we entered our third century of ministry in 2009, Biblica had already provided more than 650 million Bibles and biblical resources to people around the world.

Biblica, as a network of organizations worldwide, is currently active in 55 countries, reaching more than 100 million people with God’s Word every year. But that’s only the beginning. Our heart beats for those who still don’t have God’s Word. We’ve already translated the Bible into 27 of the top 30 spoken languages. And through our global initiative to publish Scripture in print, digital text, and digital audio, these 27 Bible translations can reach up to 4 billion people with God’s Word.

Biblica Canada oversees a variety of missionary projects in Canada related to distributing and engaging with the Bible as well as serving disadvantaged and marginalized communities.

Our Team

Glenn Smith, Chairman of the Board

Where do you live?
Around Montréal, Quebec

How long you’ve been involved with Biblica?
Since 2015

Why are you involved?
I really enjoy our focus on equipping people to fully engage with biblical texts with the power and insights the Holy Spirit gives and see communities transformed by Jesus Christ.

What one thing you would really like to see to completion?
I get great delight in completing our French podcasts, Understanding the Bible, that equip listeners to read and understand the Scriptures in their small groups. This helps them practise their faith in their neighbourhoods.  

Ron Nikkel, Vice-Chairman of the Board

Where do you live?
On Cape Breton Island, in Nova Scotia.

How long you’ve been involved with Biblica?
Since 2014

Why are you involved?

I became involved because of the need to encourage and help people in our North American culture engage with Scripture in ways that are meaningful and motivating.

What one thing you would really like to see to completion?

I would like to see us design and implement Scripture engagement programs that are relevant and meaningful within the Canadian church community, programs that are attractive to people at an everyday level.

Bernard Racicot, Secretary

Where do you live?
Around Montréal, Quebec

How long you’ve been involved with Biblica?
Since 2016

Why are you involved?
I started as Director of Biblica Canada in 2016 because I felt that the Community Bible Experience project was a really good way for people to read the Bible in a new way and form Bible study groups.

What one thing you would really like to see to completion?
I would like the see the Community Bible Experience reach further and bring more people closer to Christ.

Rachel Low Swee Lynn, Administrator

Where do you live?
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

How long you’ve been involved with Biblica?
Since 2021

Why are you involved?

I wanted to gain the experience of sitting on a board, especially for something that is as close to my heart as Bible engagement. I like experiencing new things as a way to invest into my personal development.

What one thing you would really like to see to completion?

On a professional level, I would love to see Biblica grow in its impact in Canada. On a personal level, I’m working towards completing my equestrian coach certification.

Willy Kotiuga, Emeritus Member

Where do you live?
Around Montréal, Quebec

How long you’ve been involved with Biblica?
Since 2014

Why are you involved?

I have been reading the NIV daily since it was published in 1978. It has been my ‘go to’ version for Bible Studies and growing my faith in God. Meeting with the NIV Committee on Bible Translation increased my confidence in the quality of the translation.

What one thing you would really like to see to completion?

I joined the Board of Biblica Canada after hearing about the Community Bible Experience which helps participants delve deeper into the biblical narrative, explore its themes and relate it to their lives. Reading the Bible changes my life daily and participating in helping people know God brings me great pleasure. 

Our Mission

We believe everyone deserves a reliable, easy-to-read translation of Scripture in their heart language. We publish whole Bible translations, not just Scripture portions. We focus on languages with a million or more speakers so we can reach as many as possible with God’s Word.

We don’t stop at Bible translation, though, because access alone doesn’t guarantee engagement with God’s Word. We help churches, ministries, and individuals experience Scripture in powerful ways—from church-wide Bible reading campaigns to biblically based HIV prevention for youth.

Our work won’t be finished until every single person has had a life-changing encounter with God’s Word.

Our Vision

Our vision is to help ignite a Canada-wide renewal of Bible reading, in and through the church. We believe that a better Bible reading experience is possible, that the trend of decreasing Bible engagement can be reversed, and that God’s church can be revitalized simply by experiencing the Bible together.