A true friend: Gordon and Paul’s story

We all have that friend… The one that takes more than they give. The one that drains our tank more than they fill it up. Such friendships usually dwindle over time, with one friend pulling back, exhausted and depleted from trying to maintain the relationship.

But some of us have been blessed to have had this other type of friend … the one that feeds our soul. Through their insights, care and companionship, such friends bring out the best in us and bring us closer to God. They see the best in us and lift us up when our strength wanes. They bring perspective and colour into our world.

Life-giving friendships tend to grow stronger and deeper with time, with both parties invested in seeing the other person thrive and develop into a happy, healthy and committed individual. The relationship takes time and energy, but its impact our lives can be felt intensely.

Gordon Petawabano has been friends with Paul Racine for over 20 years. Over time, the men’s friendship has grown into genuine love as the two pastors jointly cared for the Cree community of Mistissini, Quebec. Paul leads Doulos Ministries, which Biblica Canada supports through donations.

In 2021, however, Gordon was diagnosed with kidney failure and started undergoing regular dialysis in Montréal, taking him away from his community and work as a pastor. In 2023, moved by the Lord, Paul decided to bring the friends’ relation to the next level by offering to donate his kidney to save Gordon.

Read CBC North’s article to get Gordon and Paul’s full story